Change is in the air.

Winter is typically slow for the wedding industry. So what to do with all my free time? For me, winter is usually spent updating online galleries with images from past summer. This year I decided it was time for a little more change.  I've been working hard on a new web site with new galleries and new packages for 2009. I know many of you like my current site, but  I think you'll like this one even more! It's clean, simple and modern. Just how I like it. 

With a new year comes new packages and pricing updates. Since starting my business over five years ago, I haven't raised my loose print pricing. The time has come. Don't worry, they aren't going up a lot and there are always opportunities to save! They new prices will go into affect by the end of this week. 

I'll let you know when the site goes live. Shooting for this Thur. the 8th.

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