Updates for Art of Weddings

Every year that I decide to have an Art of Weddings event, a few of my friends say to me,"wow, that sounds like a lot of work." It is, but I love it! I love finding fabulous vendors who will participate, I love working on the fashion show and I get so excited as the date gets closer.

Things are already getting exciting for the event. The fashion show is going to be a key part of the evening showcasing local gown designers and men's hand-made suits. Madeline will be doing the hair and make-up on the models with the help of the talented and worldly Kristin Arnett. I'm working on a surprise to open the fashion show...can't spill the beans on that, sorry!

The best way to describe the Art of Weddings that it's more of an interactive & informative event.
You'll be able to work with the vendors there, pile into the photobooth, have your make-up done, sample local wines and food, but most of all have fun!

So if you are getting married or know someone who is, the Art of Weddings is the party for you! Visit the website to save on your tickets by buying them early. www.artofweddingspdx.com

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